Uganda 2023 Teaching Day One

The first day of teaching is completed for the FBC Men & Women. The Uganda Pastors were so excited to receive their notebooks and teaching materials. The men taught the morning sessions on Identity in Christ, Holiness & Sanctification. The afternoon sessions consisted of Walking with God, Love & Spiritual Cultivation. The team learned that one of the attendants has been sharing the teaching materials to several other countries & regions such as Kampala, Kenya, Tanzania & Burundi. It was so exciting to hear God’s Word being taught and spreading. This news really encouraged our FBC men’s team. They have put in so much work into these notebooks.
The FBC ladies also had their first day with the Ugandan women. The group will be Inductively walking through the Book of Nehemiah this week. There are also break out sessions taught as well with the focus being on Leadership. Today the ladies walked through Nehemiah Chapters 1 & 2 accompanied by lessons on Leaders from Scriptures like David, Eli, Saul and Samuel doing some compare/ contrast. The ladies also we’re encouraged through a lesson  understanding their inheritance in Christ. This lesson will build each day on other teaching topics of rest and rewards. Bishop Michael Kyomya also taught through his book on Interpreting the Scriptures. It was such a sweet time with him as Bishop challenged all of us to examine the Scriptures daily for ourselves.  
The teaching day is typically from 8 AM to 5 PM for our teams. The team returns to the Hesed house for dinner and prepares for the next day of teaching. Please continue to pray for stamina, good rest and continued health. We absolutely feel your prayers and appreciate the body of Christ in Unity through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Good night from Uganda
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